Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas all! We miss you and wish we were there. Tonight, on Christmas eve, we will be eating a turkey dinner, opening Christmas pajamas, setting out cookies/milk and list for "Santa", jingle bells (a fun tradition from Heather's family), and reading the Christmas story from Luke.
In the morning, the kids will wait patiently on the stairs until they hear the glorious sound of "Rum-pa-tum-tum!"
Here is a picture of us when we visited temple square on Friday. It was wonderful experience to be with family during this time of year on temple square. It was also VERY, VERY cold--about 20 degrees.
Be sure to check our family blog for other posts:
Posted by Travis at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 3, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Someone Post Please...
Hey family....where are your posts? What has Maddox been up are Peyton and Logan? We miss you guys!
Remember that we have created our own family blog. Take a look at this one too!
You can also get to the site by clicking the "Heather and Travis" link at the top right of this page. If you all make other family blogs, feel free to post them there.
Posted by Heather at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
scrooge and his elves....
So Office Max has this website called Elf Yourself. Last year we had so much fun taking the perfect picture of each of us and putting it into the program. Last year you could only do one person at a time. Well, my friend Misty sent us her elf family only you can do up to four at a time. How fun!! So we now have one of all three kids:
Posted by Travis at 1:56 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Travis turns 30!!!
Travis wanted Papa John's pizza for dinner and he requested a Krispy Kreme pumpkin spice dough nut cake. I used every candle that I had in the house to make 30!! This was the last year of putting all the candles on the cake. From now on we will need to start abbreviating.
The cake looked like a bon fire!!
Travis had a cold on his birthday. We thought it was a good idea that he not blow on the dough nuts!!
Larry and Ann got Travis a binder and new sports card sleeves, and a really nice John Beck rookie card with material from the jersey and foot ball that he wore and held the day of the draft! He loved it! He spent the whole night organizing all his cards! I got him some yummy cologne from the Buckle and had his guitar restrung and fixed. It was a great day!!
Posted by Heather at 1:55 PM 1 comments
Who has Who...
I just thought I would post the list of which cousin has who. Happy Shopping!!
______ gives to _______
Bailey-- Maddox
Kendall-- Noah
Kevin-- Bailey
Logan-- Zach
Maddox-- Logan
Posted by Heather at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Run Chicken Run!
Posted by Heather at 1:30 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Logan is walking!
Logan decided that in order to keep up Peyton he would have to learn how to walk. He started to take his first steps on his 10 month birthday. We would be doing good if he would only sleep through the night.
Posted by Shane and Clara at 5:58 PM 3 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Finally, I shot a dang deer.
Got one! I missed the small one during archery season with my crossbow but this 8-pointer din't stand a chance against the .270 during the first week of gun season.
Posted by Travis at 12:39 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Jordan Halloween Party
The 1st annual Jordan Halloween Party was a lot of fun. Here are minnie and mickey mouse and in the background are cherish and jori but you can hardly recognize them with their spectacular costumes on...a pumpkin and a cow girl.
Two monkeys enjoying a hayride. The hayride was a hit with the kids (except kevin). We also had a cake walk, a haunted house, and a bean bag toss game.
Logan was especially excited about the hay ride.
Grandma with her grandbabies, probably wondering where their parents are.Shane and Clara had the best adult costumes by far. Clara made this scare crow one for Shane. Dad was running around chasing the kids.
It was a fun time had by all. The only thing that would have made it better is if the Utah Jordans were there. We miss yall!
Posted by Ken at 8:02 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007
Anybody have some deer corn?
Every once and a while we will see some deer from the backyard. The kids love it.
Posted by Travis at 6:15 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Go Cougars!
We all enjoyed a fun day at Lavell Edwards stadium. The cougars rolled passed Air Force 31-6. Noah and Zach enjoyed the pre-game jet fly by and the peanuts. Early in the 4th quarter, we got hit really hard by some rain showers. Mom, Dad, Noah, and Heather sat in the seats right next to Dad's right ear.
Posted by Travis at 1:40 PM 1 comments
Snowing in September!
Mom and Dad left just in the nick of time. It is now 35 degrees and SNOWING....Wow.
Posted by Travis at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 8, 2007
The Boyz
Even though the boyz spend much of their day fighting and wrestling. they are the best of friends. Zach particularly really looks up to Noah. Zach loves to play with Noah and his friends, but they always seem to pick on Zach when he follows him. This all seems so familiar...
Posted by Travis at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Zach's First Day of School
Zach was pumped for his first day of pre-school. The very first day he ran right inside and started playing with his new classmates. He loves his new school clothes and shoes. He lays out his outfit each night before he starts school. He wakes up at 6:00am all dressed and ready to go!
Posted by Travis at 12:56 PM 1 comments
Noah's First Day of School
Here is a pic of Noah's first day of kindergarten. He was a little nervous, but mostly excited. There were tears everywhere when he was dropped off. Noah was dry, but Heather was a mess! Now everyone is used to the new transition as Noah takes the bus to and from school! He loves it!
Posted by Travis at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Mud Party!
Until we fill up this area with bark and we install a playground, this remains a mud corner in our backyard. Zach and Bailey took full advantage to take a summer mud bath, while Noah obeyed! These kinds of messes always seem to occur when I (Dad), am watching them...
Posted by Travis at 12:46 PM 1 comments
Bailey's "Purple Foot"
Bailey was trying to balance on the one foot on the piano bench (true karate kid style). Unfortunately she lost her balance and broke her foot....yes, she broke her foot. She now has a cute purple cast. She was showing it off to me when I came home from work. She said pointing to her cast, "look...I'm cute!"
Posted by Travis at 12:42 PM 2 comments
Bailey's Birthday Party
Bailey had a princess birthday party. She loved every minute of it. It is much different from our normal Spider Man parties but it sure was fun! We bought her a red trike. She always felt left out ever since we bought the boys their bikes a couple of months ago. Now she is one of the boys--part of the neighborhood motorcycle gang!
Posted by Travis at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Happy Birthday to Maddox
Today, the 29th is Maddox's birthday and we went all out. Cake, balloons, streamers, clowns, the works. hahahaha yeah right. If I hope to raise my kid right, his next 9 birthdays will consist of slumber parties in a big tent with a bunch of his friends in sleeping bags and the occasional horse back ride at a near by elementary school preferably by a horse named Happy-Go-Lucky. No he is just like his Dad and likes to help weed in the garden
However, quite unlike his Dad, he feels the need to taste the composition of the soil to determine if the correct amount of fertilizer has been added. I think it has just the right amount of fecal matter Pops.
What a handsome looking kid. At one year old, life can only get better from here. Hopefully, he turns out to look more like Kerri because I got uglier with age and I started out as a pretty ugly kid. Kerri thought of a great tradition where instead of cards that ultimately get thrown away, we get a book that represents him from the last year and write our card in the book so he keeps it for a long time. My wife is great, isn't she.
A boy and his father sharing some delicious chocolate milk. Only one of us has the chocostache. When he looks up with those big blue eyes, you just can't say no to giving him chocolate milk, or bratwurst, or a small piece of your meat lovers Papa John's pizza.
Just like every Swift in the history of mankind, this one is an accident magnet. Take for instance a lovely evening in the bath playing turns into a game of how-hard-can-you-head-butt the porcelain tub. I am just glad he did not loose any teeth. Just like a Swift, he was told to "walk it off" and was fine in a matter of minutes. With ten fingers and ten toes, 2 eyes, 2 ears, all his limbs and some teeth (due to having not grown in yet, not because they were knocked out), Maddox begins again at 1 and will hopefully continue on with as much success as ever. He had better because he will have a little brother soon enough to contend with.
Posted by Ken at 6:29 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Self Explanatory
If you can't figure out what this video is about, you are mildly retarded. Everything is great here. Yes, Kerri is pregnant and yes we are having another boy. How do I know that you ask? The Lord blesses the righteous and between Kerri and I, we all know who is the more righteous one.
Posted by Ken at 5:57 PM 4 comments
Friday, July 27, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Corn on the Cob
Maddox is no longer into kiddie food. Whenever we decide to eat, he wants to eat our food and not his disgusting conglomerate of turkey/sweet potato puree.
So I just give him half of my corn on the cob. He loves to grind away at it. He likes it so much that he shoots me a dirty look if I put his down to take a bite of mine.
Soon, he is sick of relying on me and jams the whole thing in his mouth and proceeds to scrape all the corn off. Somehow that is more efficient to him.
The best part will be tomorrow when Kerri finds a corn on the cob in his diaper. hahaha
Posted by Ken at 6:24 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
New Bikes!
We just bought Noah and Zach their first bikes. They are pretty excited about their new "wheels". Zach "A.K.A. Hot Rod" has already met the pavement multiple times.
Posted by Travis at 7:45 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
It runs in the family
Here is Maddox playing police man in my take home car that sits in my driveway. He looks like a natural doesn't he. Ready to place handcuff on any piece of crap that looks at him the wrong way, just like Daddy. hahaha just kidding.
Flying down the road at break neck speeds, ready to jump out and chase down any criminal who decides to flee from officers. That's my boy.
If you are going to be a police officer, you have to have "the look." No further explanation needed.
Lets get real, if he truly is a Swift, the most likely place he will end up is in the back seat.
Just like his aunt, uncle, father, and grandfather before him, so must the prophecy be fulfilled.
Posted by Ken at 1:18 PM 0 comments